Foundations are in for the homes in Judson!
ATCEDC is pleased to announce that we have won competitive funding awards for two new housing developments. We look forward to continuing our work with the City of Pickens by building two more homes there. We are also excited to be building four homes in a neighborhood that is new to our housing program - the Judson community in Greenville County. All homes will be single-family 3BR/2BA affordable rental units, and are scheduled for completion in spring 2013. ATCEDC is accepting applications for these homes from Pickens and Judson community residents.
South Carolina State Housing & Finance Development Authority, City of Pickens, Greenville County Area Redevelopment Authority, Pickens Savings & Loan Association, FA, and BankGreenville support are behind the development of these homes. We look forward to keeping you updated on the progress of these exciting new developments!
Just because school is out doesn't mean the learning has to stop! Many youth in ATCEDC houses have had incredible opportunities this summer at various camps in Greenville. Undaunted by camp syllabi and rigorous instruction in the arts, these students have thrived at camp, having a blast while learning new skills. Camps attended by ATCEDC youth this summer include: art camps, theatre camp, fine arts camp, and forensic science camp. Generous scholarships from local organizations have allowed our students these unforgettable opportunities.