Friends of Allen Temple CEDC

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the Friends of Allen Temple CEDC is to create a consistent relationship between the work Allen Temple CEDC continues to perform and those who are interested in supporting that work.

Who are the Friends of Allen Temple CEDC?

The Friends of Allen Temple CEDC are supporters who financially contribute at or above the “member’ level of $100 per year. 

Why should I join?

You should become a friend of Allen Temple CEDC because you know your charitable donation will help provide affordable, decent, safe and stable rental housing to those in need in Greenville and Pickens counties. Every dollar donated is meticulously leveraged through programs and partnerships to provide a hand up and a path to future personal success for those in need.

What will my contribution accomplish?

In 2006 Allen Temple CEDC began constructing affordable rental homes in Greenville, South Carolina. Allen Temple CEDC provides supportive services for tenants including comprehensive home repairs, ranging from electrical and plumbing repairs to broken window repair, in order to ensure long-term housing stability for low income families.

Who will my contribution serve?

Your contribution will serve current Allen Temple CEDC residents which are primarily composed of a family structure (80+% of ATCEDC households are families). Nearly 60% of our households are made up of female led single parent families. Your contribution will also increase Allen Temple CEDC’s capacity to serve more families in the future by funding new construction and operations.

How will my contribution affect the lives of those Allen Temple CEDC serves?

A September 2013 study by the MacArthur Foundation concluded that “poor housing quality is the most consistent and strongest predictor of emotional and behavioral problems in low-income children and youth…” In order to effectively address emotional, behavioral, educational and health issues low-income children and families present the housing issue must be addressed. Affordable, safe and decent stable housing must be made available to low income families. Furthermore, existing affordable housing stock must be maintained well to provide long-term stability for low income families. Allen Temple CEDC provides access to safe and decent stable housing for low income families in an effort to position children for current and future success by assisting their parents.



Join The Friends of Allen Temple CEDC