Allen Temple Community Economic Development Corporation is a local non-profit who provides affordable housing for families and individuals in need and is now the recipient of a $40,000 grant from Hollingsworth Funds.
Affordable housing like any other needs to be spruced up after some time. In order to provide decent housing and to ensure a stable environment Allen Temple CEDC and Hollingsworth Funds have partnered to update older homes for long term residents and some for older homes that are newly available for rental. For more on why affordable, safe and decent housing is so important please read below:
A September 2013 study by the MacArthur Foundation concluded that “poor housing quality is the most consistent and strongest predictor of emotional and behavioral problems in low-income children and youth…” Additionally, housing instability leading to increased student mobility negatively impacts a child’s achievement level in school. “Patterns of Urban Student Mobility and Local School Reform,” a University of Chicago, report, noted higher poverty levels associate with higher likelihood children will change schools. The study found that 58% of school changes were associated with a residential change. In order to effectively address the emotional, behavioral, educational and health issues low-income children and families present the housing issue must be addressed. Affordable, safe and decent stable housing must be made available to low income families. Furthermore, existing affordable housing must be maintained to provide long-term stability for low-income families.
More than 40% of Allen Temple CEDC's total Greenville tenant population is children. By providing supportive services for families including comprehensive home repairs, from electrical and plumbing repairs to broken window repair, ATCEDC helps ensure long-term housing stability.